Monday, September 16, 2013

Jewish Dieting Tips

The Jewish people have been trendsetters in the health and fitness world for ages.    It started with  Moses about three thousand years ago when he introduced the Atkin's Diet under the guise of bread being unable to leaven.  By combining his Low-carb diet with daily walks in the desert for forty years, Moses whipped the Hebrews into shape so they could enter the promised land minus unbecoming guts.  Unfortunately,  at some point Judah and those overweight Maccabres revolted and had the toned and tanned Jewish people binging on Potato Latkas with sour cream and apple sauce like they'd just emerged from the famine of '72....3772 BCE that is.  Balance was only restored upon the arrival of Yom Kippur, when the Jewish people were reminded to atone for all those unhealthy meals by partaking in a much needed fast.

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